Study Abroad

Study Abroad

The EPE program heartily encourages students to participate in study abroad programs as part of the major and as part of their overall Yale experience. EPE students have recently traveled to Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, India, Spain, and South Africa, among many other nations. We recommend choosing courses during your Study Abroad that contribute to the fulfillment of Yale College Distributional Requirements, and courses that fulfill the area of concentration of the EP&E major. Courses are approved only under rare circumstances and with written approval of the EPE DUS. Under no circumstances can a course taken abroad substitute for the introductory requirements, core courses, or the senior essay seminar (i.e. EP&E 491, 492 or 493).  Questions about how study abroad will affect progress in the major and approval for study abroad should be discussed directly with the EPE Director of Undergraduate Studies. Questions about various study abroad programs should be directed to the Study Abroad Office.